Heat pipes

Technologies are constantly developing, producing more and more powerful CPUs, which produce more and more heat. This heat needs to be allocated somewhere, as divces start to work unstable due to the overheat and break down faster. That’s why constant and reliable cooling is necessary. I’ve studied the principle of cooling of servers at data centres. I have found it …

Geneces – Cloud EcoSystem

Geneces is a cross-platform project enabling any user to improve considerably hardware and software capabilities of their devices through the use of remote computing power. The client device receives only the result of software work in the form of an image and a sound. Using a hypervisor in Geneces servers allows users to configure the workspace with the appropriate hardware …

The regularity of cycles in permutation groups

In general, ivestigated problem can be interpreted as the probability, that a randomly selected element from permutation group generates a transitive group. This is a fundamental research that goes to the statistical group theory. But it may attract mathematicians of different specializations, because the various techniques from number theory, combinatorics and graph theory were used and new interesting results were …