Scientific field Materials Country Poland Contestants Maciej Marcel Mańka Share this Post
Amber drug. A study of the antibacterial action of extracts of fossil and subfossil resins
By ages, amber was a prized commodity desired mainly for its beauty and used in jewellery. It was considered curiosity because of its electrostatic properties and was also believed to have medicinal properties against many ailments. Thus, the English encyclopaedist E. Chambers wrote that “In times of Plague, those who work in Amber at Koningsberg are said to be never …
Colouring of the plane, lines and circles
Tasks about colouring often occurs in mathematics, e.g. the four colour map theorem or the chromatic number of the plane. My problem begins with a case from Mathematical Olympiad: how many colours at most we can use to colour points of the plane in such a way that each line is at most two-coloured. The answer is three, but if …