Biochemical Characterization and Imaging of Arc: Insights into Neurodegeneration and Alzheimer’s Development

Alzheimer’s Disease is characterized by extracellular Beta-Amyloid (βA) Plaques. Beta-Amyloid are produced by the sequential cleavage of amyloid precursor protein by Y-secretase. Arc, a ~50 kDa IEG protein, may regulate Y-secretase activity. For this study, Unilaminar Vesicles acted as Cell Membranes, as FCS studies were done to quantify Arc’s interactions with lipids. HEK cells were transfected with EGFP-Arc to identify …

How extreme was climate change in South Wales at the end of the last glacial period?

During the most recent Ice Age, the majority of the UK, all the way down to South Wales, was covered in ice. Records across Britain show many climatic changes since then. This project finds evidence for abrupt climate change in South Wales by analysing sediment from Llangorse Lake, a source that provides a record for the past 16 000 years. …

Application of Direct Conductometry for Determination of Alkylamines in Production of Chemicals in Rubber Industry

The most important products of the rubber industry are tyres which are produce by vulcanization technology. From the natural caoutchouc and butyl caoutchouc. Converting is used in the process and the product has to be stabilized. In 19 century benthiazole compositions where used. Slovak republic occupies the leading positions in the productions of the bentiazoles compositions in the European market. …

Determination of bioavailable calcium in eggshell

A residue of no importance to a developed country such as eggshells, may have an indisputable value in countries where malnutrition has a massive impact. In a world where globalization is the reality, we are all responsible for one another and a simple action for us can benefit someone’s life. We determined the amount of bioavailable calcium in the eggshell …

Alpha-aluminium oxide-based gemstones: Development of a chemical synthesis process prompted by current mining conditions

Mining gemstones damages the environment and often occurs under dehumanising conditions. Christian Schärf, Paul Rathke and Friedrich Wanierke hypothesised that, because rubies and sapphires are a mixture of aluminium oxide and certain metals, it might be possible to produce the gemstones themselves. The trio experimented with various melting and crystallisation processes, and thoroughly analysed the synthesis progression and the powder …

Multifunctional application of natural sensor arrays

Natural sensors built form commonly available materials are a fascinating theme of research aimed at empowering consumers with quick and in situ analytical capabilities. Natural sensors constructed in this project offer the quick determination of synthetic food dyes without laboratory analysis and the easy detection of pH levels by a highly sensitive and durable sensor fabricated based on an easy …

Synthesis of Haspin-Selective High-Affinity Fluorescent Probe

Protein kinases constitute an enzyme family that catalyzes the phosphorylation of proteins that play vital role in regulation of almost every process in cell. Abnormal protein kinase activity might result in or contribute to a variety of major diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, and diabetes. Therefore, the compounds that are able to recognize and block the increased activity of …

H2O2 future fuel

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Chalcogenide glasses and films Ga5Sb10Ge20S65:0.1Ho0.1Er with intense luminescence in IR spectral region

Rare-earth elements doped chalcogenide glasses and films, promising materials for optoelectronics, photovoltaics or information technologies, were studied in order to determine their physical and optical properties, especially photoluminescence. In our work we focused on Er and Ho doped chalcogenides of stoichiometry 99,8(Ga5Sb10Ge20S65)0.1Ho0.1Er. We synthetized bulk glass and thin films and characterized it with various methods. In the case of thin …

Synthetic Limpet Teeth for Improved Joint Performance

The construction of prosthetic implants by synthesizing the constituents of limpet teeth showed great potential as a viable alternative to current implants. Combinations of chitin, goethite, chlorophyll extract, vitamin B12, and isopropanol were tested against existing prosthetic composites. 535 physical, 46 chemical, and 44 biological stress tests concluded that synthetic limpet teeth prosthetic implants were more resilient and could reduce …